My birthday night was spent with my family and friends.
We went to a new restaurant/pub. It was fun going to a new place because there isn't a variety of places around the area we live in. I suppose some would say we live in the 'country', 'sticks', 'boone docks' or even 'backwoods'. Our area is slowly bringing civilization to us.
After dinner we went home to enjoy a hockey game and eat birthday cake.
The hockey game erupted into a
huge fight, goalie against goalie. That may not mean much to some, but to this hockey gal - I was ecstatic! You don't get to see a hockey fight like that often and I got to see it on
my birthday!
My BFF, Heather, made my birthday cake for me. It was so pretty! Purple too!
Almost too pretty to eat….. almost…. It was DELICIOUS!
My husband gave me a lovely birthday bouquet.
Zachary, my middle son, brought me home flowers during his work break.
My in-laws stopped by and brought me gourmet chocolate! YUM!
My sister gave me a gift certificate to a nail salon.
Brandon, my youngest sent me a text early in the morning.
I received a surprise package too!
A special friend, that I met through blogging, hand made two wool hats.
I had a wonderful birthday thanks to the wonderful family and friends who surround me!
I love each and everyone of you!!