My nephew, Kyle is a senior at Daniel Boone High School. He got to compete in a pageant called "Mr. Boone". It is similar to a beauty pageant, expcept with guys - and ALOT funnier!

There were about 15 guys who tried out. They put on dance routines and skits. Very impressive to see a bunch of teenage boys pull it off!
Kyles talent was pretending to sing to an Annie song while going thru a flip chart with hilarious sayings! This particular sign said "This pageant is SO RAVEN". One said "Does this dress make me look fat?"

Kyle looked really handsome in his formal wear. All the guys had to answer a question that the girls presented.
Unfortunately Kyle didn't win, but we all had a great time watching him. If you knew Kyle two years ago you would not have thought he would ever do something like this. He was so shy. Now he is class President and a very outgoing, confident young man. I'm so proud of my nephew!