(of course my brain automatically thinks he crashed his car or something bad happened).
Me: What's wrong?
Zachary: There was a wasp nest outside my balcony and I knocked it down.
Me: You better be careful they don't come after you.
Zachary: They are still flying around, what do I do?
Me: Are they in the house?
Zachary: No outside the window. I didn't have wasp spray so I used Lysol and it got all over the furniture.
(apparently Zachary was inside the house spraying through an open window trying to get to the wasps).
Me: Get a damp washcloth.
Zachary: To pick up the wasps?
Me: No, wipe off the furniture.
Zachary: oh.
Me: Did the Lysol work?
Zachary: Got them, but the war just started.
Me: Call the apartment complex office and tell them to send out the pest control company.
Zachary: What do I do if they are dead?
Me: Pick the wasp up with a paper towel and throw it away.
Zachary: I forgot to get paper towels at the store.
Me: When you go to the store go get paper towels, pick up some wasp spray.
OMG - so funny!