Thursday, November 29, 2012

Outpatient Surgery for Zachary

Zachary had an operation on Black Friday.  He was born with a deviated septum.  The doctor thinks when Zachary was born his nose broke in the birth canal.  The wall between his nasal passages was displaced, which caused nose bleeds, snoring and allergies.

When he was 10 years old Todd and I took him to an Otolaryngologist, who recommended that we wait until Zachary was older and stopped the majority of his growing.   I am glad we did wait.  A 10 year old boy would not understand nor know how to react to so much pain this surgery caused.

Prior to surgery the nurse came in and asked all kinds of questions. Zachary is quiet and answers her very softly.  I can tell he is nervous.  I am worried for him, but try to be strong and not let him see how twisted up my stomach is.
Zachary has never done well around needles or blood. So when the nurse put in his IV in, I thought he was going to pass out.  He looked white as a ghost.  He told me he was hot and light headed.
I explained to him that it was his anxiety making him feel like that. Told him to relax and it would pass.
By the time the nurse came back and gave him his 'hat' he was feeling better.
They wheeled him out and I felt lost.
I know it's only a minor operation.
Logically I knew he'd be okay.
He is my baby.
I wanted to cry.
I didn't.
I went to the waiting room… and waited.
Two hours later I was able to see him.
He was so HIGH!
It was a funny sight to see.
The nurses who were attending him couldn't stop laughing.
You would have thought Zach won the lottery when the nurse handed him a soda and jello!
By the time we got home the pain medication wore off.
Zachary has been down for the count for 6 days. 
He has been sleeping on a recliner because he cannot lay flat.
He has watched all the seasons of "King of Queens" and "The Big Bang Theory".
 He may go back to school tomorrow.  It all depends how he feels when he wakes up.  
The worst is over and every day he gets a better.
I am just glad to see him smile again.


22 pretty purplexing comments:

  1. As a Mom I know how scary that is, to see them wheel your baby away. I hope he feels better and in the long run it's so worth it.

  2. Today is his first day back to school. He is looking great! Although he made sure he took a few packs of tissues with him.

  3. Bless his heart. I've heard from at least one other person who had this, or a very similar, surgery and they said it was awful.

    Hope the rest of Zach's recovery goes smoothly.

  4. Oh poor guy! glad to hear he is feeling better. and if it makes you feel better I pass out with blood and needles... yes that happened both times during labor also!

  5. It was awful to watch him go thru so much pain. Poor dude was miserable! He is much better now.

  6. Oh no!! My husband isn't good with that stuff too. Lucky for him that I gave birth. Lol

    Sent from Tami's iPhone

  7. Poor guy!!! Glad the worst of it is over!!!

  8. Me too! I think he was going stir crazy because today he actually WANTED to go to school!!

  9. My daughter had that operation so I understand what you are feeling. She of course blamed her father bacause she got a baseball in the face.

  10. Ooh! Ouch!! If I was her I'd play the blame card every time I needed something from Daddy. Like a new car?! LOL

    Sent from Tami's iPhone

  11. A friend of mine's daughter had this surgery and said it was very painful. Glad it's behind him (and you!). His future wife will be glad he had it done. I think a deviated septum is a big reason people snore.

  12. hahaha wish I was there to hear him say the funny stuff! ;) Hope he feels better soon.

  13. Yes, Zach snores. His left side was blocked, so this surgery should help.

  14. I had that surgery and it's horrible! I bruise easily and I bruised from my forehead all the way to my neck. Bless his heart! I feel for him.

  15. The doctor warned us of bruising. Zach was lucky and didn't have any. Sorry you had an awful time with yours!

  16. Glad to hear all went well. You even managed to add a bit of humor in your post (probably easier after the fact). I hope he feels better soon.

  17. So glad that the worst is behind him ... praying that he will feel well enough to go to school tomorrow.

  18. So glad to hear that everything went well, that they gave him the good drugs (haha) and that he is recovery nicely. I can't imagine how I'd feel if any of mine had to have any kind of surgery -- at any age. They're always your baby, right? I barely survived when I had to hold down a 4 year old Angel Girl for head stitches. That sense of protection was so strong, I wanted to punch the doctor doing the stitching.

    Then Angel Girl paused, looked straight at her and said, "sooo.....will I get a popsicle after you're done?"


  19. I can imagine that surgery on your kids doesn't get easier as they age. I was a wreck with ear tubes! I hope Zachary is recovering nicely and that you are getting to baby your big baby a little!

  20. I'm catching up: Now that my son is 18 he needs this too. ;( When he was 5 years old he shattered his nose falling into a wall. He need emergency surgery. He has broken his nose 4 times. 4!!! times since then. all accidents - once when he was 5 - once: by spinning on his cowboy boats, # 2) hitting his face on the bottom of a step in a pool. He was playing a game and slam! 3.) his brother was handing over a bass guitar hitting his brother right in nose. . . total accident. . . but man it hurt! 4.) Steve was moving a chair - the chair hit a wall - hitting Steve right in nose! and 5.) I hope will be the last! Stephen tripped and fell going up the back steps - you got it! right on his face. My poor son! He sounds clumsy, he's just quick. I'm so sorry to hear this about your little boy! I do hope he feels all better!

  21. Oh my goodness! That's awful. Upside (if there is one), if your son gets the operation he will be a pro at handling the pain.


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